API ENDPOINT SPECIFICATION v 0.3 ================================ /find - Tries to show a verse, if it's not a verse it will try to search your query. If it's a single query it will try to find a definition for the word as well. Only avaliable in "Rich" and meant for interactive use/browsing /random - outputs a random verse /votd - returns verse of the day /search - returns a keyword search result set /show - returns a verse or set of verses by name/location /define - 1828 Noah Webster dictionary search /seq - Incremental sequence of Bible verses (per request) URL PARAMETERS ============== view= - json - json-encoded response - plain - plaintext response - rich - pretty response with css default: json kw= - Used with /search /show/ /define /find - The keyword(s) of your query, separated by commas -- ex ?kw=1cor5:1-5,2Peter2:5 getuid= - Used only with /seq - Set this to "true" to recieve a new UID for use with /seq?uid= start= - Used only with /seq - You can use a ref like "1Cor5:1" to start there instead of Genesis 1:1 as is the default - Only used when creating a new UID - If you want to "start in a new place" - just create a new UID uid= - Used only with /seq - Required parameter for normal use of /seq num= - Used only with /seq - You can get the "next # verses" in your sequence FEATURES ======== - King James Only. (No heretical commentaries or false Bibles) - High quality source documents - Free - Developer hates the sodomites INTERACTIVE ENDPOINTS ===================== The following endpoints will present you with a query box and radio selector for choosing your output format. - / (same function as /find) - /search - /define - /show EXAMPLES ======== api.tld/random api.tld/votd?view=rich api.tld/show?kw=john3:16,1john5:7&view=plain BUGS ==== Suggestions, bug reports or improvements can be reported to @[email protected]